Nursery to Toddler Room

We made the switch last week to a big girl bed for our almost 3 year old 😭 We tried a couple months ago and it did not go well 😖 like up every hour and sleeping by the door…Bella asked to stay in her crib after a week of trying and said she wouldn’t climb out so we caved and she actually didn’t try for a couple months! Once she started climbing out again (last week) we gave it another go and it went so well. It was drastically different this time thankfully! We decided to give her whole room a new makeover.

The first thing we did was remove the baseboards. I’ve done it before in the dining room and it was much easier to remove, every project is different even when doing the same type of work. The baseboards seemed to be down further into the floor so I had to pry it both up and out (if that makes sense) Here’s what it looked like after I pulled it off:

Next I used my brad nailer gun to put on a new piece of wood where the baseboard was. I put the old quarter round back on which matches the floor. Next I used the level and got the other pieces of wood up. I actually used all scrap wood for this project. For measurements I just divided up the wall evenly (don’t forget to subtract the width of the two end pieces which for me was 4 inches)

After the wood was up I did a layer of white paint. I couldn’t see all the holes that needed to be filled until after I did the first couple layers of paint so I filled the holes then. I also caulked every seam where the wood meets each other and the two ends against the wall.

Also be sure to use painters tape on all the edges! I painted the top a lavender purple per Bella’s request 😆.

Here’s the final product 😍